March 30, 2020Compensation entrepreneurs hit by COVID-19
One time gift of 4000 euro for entrepreneurs
Since last Friday (march 27th) entrepreneurs have the possibility to apply for a one time offering of € 4.000, granted by the government. A new arrangement has been constructed for entrepreneurs that are affected by the regulations from the government. It’s called the “Tegemoetkoming Ondernemers Getroffen Sectoren COVID-19” (TOGS), which is an allowance for entrepreneurs within the affected sectors.
For whom
The allowance is meant for entrepreneurs who are missing income due to the regulations made by the government. It is for example meant for the cultural sector, which has been closed completely by the authorities. The offering of € 4.000 is meant to cover the commercial fixed costs. The government has created a list of all the branches that are taken into consideration for the offering.
UPDATE: Extra branches added to the TGOS-arrangement.
On April 7th the government has decided to make the TOGS-arrangement available for contact-professions that weren’t on the list yet.
Now physical therapists and dentists can also make use of this arrangement. Other MCO’s like taxi drivers and suppliers of the hotel/restaurant business will also be added to the list. From the 15th of april, these added freelancers/entrepreneurs can make use of this arrangement.
The fundamental requirements are:
- Your activities can be categorized under the obligatory SBI-Code;
- Your business has been registered on a different address than your home-address. You have an external space (office/store/restaurant);
- You expect to miss at least € 4.000 of revenue between the 16th of March and the 15th of June 2020;
- You have at least € 4.000 of fixed costs between the 16th of March and the 15th of June 2020.
The extended list of requirements can be found here.
How to apply
The application for the TOGS-arrangement can be done through the RVO on rvo.nl. To apply, you will need to use your DigiD or eHerkenningsmiddel level 1 (or higher). Make sure you have the following details at hand:
KvK-numberSBI-CodeBank account numberAddress of correspondence and visiting address
The decision will be made within two weeks and the payment will be done within a few days after.
Am I eligible?
At the bottom of this page, by using your KVK-number, you can check if your activities can be categorized under the determined SBI-codes that are being taken into consideration.
When you are entitled to the TOGS-arrangement, but you are registered under a different SBI-code at the KvK, you can notify the RVO about this. It’s not useful to change your SBI-code subsequently.
*The list will be extended with some groups of entrepreneurs in non-food, such as shop owners.